Compass launches its green pledge
Compass launches its green pledge
From raging bushfires in Australia to storm-battered and flooded park businesses in the UK, there’s no denying the effects of climate change. The message is clear: time is running out and action on a global scale must be taken. As such, Compass is committed to becoming a more sustainable business.
Becoming greener and reducing our environmental footprint is not something that we will achieve overnight, but we needed to start somewhere… So, on Monday 5th July Compass launched its “green pledge” and now the whole team is working on a number of initiatives to improve the business’ green credentials.
Ultimately, we want to aim high – our biggest and toughest aspiration is to eventually become a carbon neutral business. In the meantime, our other targets include going paper-free (and/or offsetting any essential paper usage) by 2025.
We’ve already has already introduced some “quick wins”, including:
• The printing of new marketing collateral on 100% recycled paper
• The creation of digital versions of marketing materials where possible
• Choosing 100% recycled and/or biodegradable products for events
We’re also auditing the products, suppliers, and service providers we use; our energy and water usage; our car usage; and our reduce, reuse and recycle processes.
Upcoming Green Office Week
In September, by which time we hope to have found its “new normal” post-lockdown, we’ll be running an event along the lines of the 2021 national Green Office Week which took place in April.
The aim of the week is to “champion change” by raising awareness of the issues that might be holding us back from environmentally friendly working.
During Green Office Week, the entire Compass team will come together to focus on a different key area every day for five days – energy, transport, waste, purchasing and innovation.
After a week of sharing ideas for developing more sustainable working practices, we expect to have a much better understanding, both as a business and as individuals, about what we can do to reduce our environmental impact.
How you can help
Are you a Compass customer? If so, you can help us too! If you elect to receive your renewal and other policy documentation by email instead of by post, it’ll help us reduce the amount of paper and energy we use. If you’re in, let us know using the form below!
Sign up form
Please fill in the details below and click send to indicate that you are happy to receive your policy documentation by email in the future.